Thursday, 9 June 2011

We love to eat!!! Some recent food experiences...

A cafe in Melbourne (not sure of the name)

Jonty completed the Mad Mex 1kg burrrito challenge...easily.

Dave cooking Kylie Kwong corn fritters on Mothers Day. (not many guys can rock the pink apron)

The Ugly Beautiful.

The Ugly:
 Ben, our 2 year old, pulling a bowl of boiling noodles off the kitchen bench onto himself.

 Me, holding him under cold running water in the kitchen sink, him screaming, me watching the skin on his chest bubble and wash away.

 The older 3 kids panicking waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Multiple hospital visits to the burn clinic.

The tears and obvious terror of your 2 year old, and not being able to do much else, other than cuddle, soothe and try and distract with bubbles, books and wiggles dvds.

The Beautiful:
Knowing that God was and is with us, and that he is still good.
The prayers of friends and family around the world.

Friends and elders at Church laying hands on Ben, anointing him with oil, and praying for healing.

The way that God chose to answer those prayers with better than expected healing, and the avoidance of skin grafts, after we were told it was almost certain he would need one (or more)

Japanese Scarf

I dragged the gang off a couple of Saturdays ago for a "family afternoon" in the inner west. My ulterior motive was to go to the Yoshi Jones warehouse sale in Enmore.

I managed to pick up a few bargains like a cardigan for Sarah reduced from $139 to $10!!

I also bought this bag of scraps ($10) which looked like it could make a great scarf.

And here it is! (As with all my sewing, it could use a good iron and the threads cut off).

The awkward self portraint. I'm looking a bit like a Ninja.