Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Monday, 28 April 2008
Today is of course, green.
Found in my cupboard, Wasabi peas. The low fat, healthy snack that the kids won't come and pinch off me. A win-win situation really.
I really don't have that many green things in my house I have decided.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
We are so glad we did, it was a great experience and the kids were mesmerised by all the marching bands and 'diggers'. They watched and waved their Aussie flags for 2 1/2 hours!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
While researching my great-grandfather CH Bertie who was a well known historian, author and librarian at the Mitchell Library, I discovered that he actually established the first public lending library for children in Australia in 1918.
See, my darling husband, it's genetic, and I can't help it.
And Sarah and I had our sewing machines out today. I made a cammo hanky for Jonty (at his request), and this blanket for Matt to snuggle under while watching TV downstairs when he wakes up long before the rest of us. Polar fleece backed with flannelette.

(Yes, Jonty does have an orange face. It is a leftover tiger face from the fun day he went to yesterday. )
Saturday, 19 April 2008
The previously mentioned cubby...
It seems I have nothing to blog about other than my children's holiday fun.
This may be because I am ignoring the other parts of my life.
Dave left for Melbourne this morning for 5 nights!.
I have an essay to write on Sonnet 55, current word count, zero.
On a brighter note, my SIL and I are hosting a dinner party tonight. I am making Nigella's Chocolate Orange Cake for dessert. At the moment I have whole oranges boiling on the stove and the house smells divine................
Thursday, 17 April 2008
More school holiday fun...
A Puppet Theatre which they made with no help or input from me.
Imaginations are running wild here at the moment.
Matt and Sarah came to me today and asked in all seriousness whether they could cut a hole in the wall to make a secret passage.
Um... no.
They have settled with making a cubby in Sarah's room. I can hear the 3 of them upstairs having a great time 'decorating' it.
Jonty has been doing a lot of song-writing lately too. I am hoping he will let me 'film' one.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
School Holidays.
No, really I do.
I love how the kids hardly ever fight.
I love how we get to relax and just "hang", as my friend Katie would say.
Sarah has taken up finger knitting in a big way.
We learnt how to do it from this youtube video.
She made this for me yesterday and I love it!!Sunday, 6 April 2008
All settled.
I am looking forward to this week of English and hoping the pieces of the puzzle will come together a bit for me.
Dave and Nana Jan have the kids well taken care of so I don't need to worry about the home front.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Congratulations Nana Jan!

She has worked so hard over the past few years on it, and is an inspiration to my sister and I , and her 11 grandchildren. (No, my sister does not have 8 kids, some of them are step-granchildren, although 8 kids would be nice.......)
So, well done Mum. We will have the champagne on ice for when you arrive on Saturday!!!!!!!! You should be so proud of yourself.